Happy Halloween! Please be careful out there tonight! Watch out for all the spooks and goblins and also make sure to take care of your pets and those of others – all of those costumes really scare them! Since we all have now had the experiences with masks, we should be able relate to dogs and cats not recognizing someone in a mask. This will sometimes actually cause people to get bit! Now here is the link to today’s sermon!
Monthly Archives: October 2021
Sermon for October 24, 2021!
Wow you can feel the season in the air! Autumn is such a beautiful time of year with the leaves changing colors and the air being crisp and cooler! We need to remember to thank the Lord for all of our blessings – the weather, waking up each morning, our families, and for giving us each new day to enjoy! Now here is this week’s sermon:
Sermon for October 17, 2021!
Good afternoon! Well it looks like we have gone to more Fall like weather around here in Passapatanzy. Not cold, by any means, but quite a bit cooler. But it is still a beautiful day with the sun shining and so much to be thankful for today. And the best way to start the week off is either in Church this morning or by viewing and listening to the service here. With that let’s get the sermon started:
Sermon for October 10, 2021!
Good Morning! I hope you have all had a great weekend and are ready to greet the new week! It is supposed to be another warm week so get out when you can and enjoy the wonderful weather. Please remember all the sick and/or injured in your prayers. As we get ready for winter soon, remember to include those who can’t get out or have no family near them in your plans. Now here is Pastor Barry’s sermon for this week:
Sermon for October 3, 2021!
Good morning! Sorry for posting yesterday’s sermon late but it couldn’t be helped. I hope you all are well and ready for the new week. Please remember all who may be sick or injured in your prayers. Take care! Now here is this week’s sermon: