Monthly Archives: May 2022

Sermon for May 29, 2022!

Sorry, this is so late being posted but sometimes schedules etc. create a problem. But I hope you are all having a blessed Memorial Day weekend remembering those who gave their lives that we may be free to enjoy ours. So, as you go about your celebrating, traveling, relaxing or however you are celebrating your day, take a minute to pause and reflect on the cost of our freedom and be thankful for those who gave all for that freedom and ask the Lord to comfort their loved ones today. Now here is the link to yesterday’s sermon from Pastor Barry:

Sermon for May 22, 2022!

Good afternoon! It’s been a beautiful day here in Passapatanzy, I hope it has been the same for you. Yes, it’s a little warm but we can deal with it. Don’t forget to spend time with your friends and family and thank God that he blessed you with them. A traditional Irish Blessing to you all: “May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm on your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand.” And now let’s get to this week’s sermon:

Sermon for May 15, 2022!

I hope everyone has had a wonderful and blessed day! We were blessed with some sunshine here in Passapatanzy today. It’s a little warm about 81 degrees right now but it could be worse. Thank you Lori Radolinski for taking over for Pastor Barry this morning during our worship service! We appreciate your help! Remember to keep all those who are sick or injured in your prayers! Now let’s get to Lori’s sermon this morning:

Sermon for May 8, 2022!

Happy Mother’s Day! I trust you are all remembering and/or honoring your mothers today! It’s a little dreary here in Passapatanzy but that’s okay and the rain we have got this weekend will help make everything green and beautiful again soon. I wish you all a wonderful and blessed week ahead! Click on the link below and enjoy the sermon from this morning:

Sermon for May 1, 2022!

Good afternoon to everyone! I hope you have enjoyed your day even though we have had a little rain here and there, overall, it wasn’t a bad day! Please make sure you have read the announcement below regarding the Coffee Fellowship Change Date! Now let’s settle down and enjoy this morning’s sermon: