Directory Update!

Good morning, everyone! I want to let everyone know that we are currently updating our Church Directory! If you have already filled out a form and returned it, thank you! Even if you were previously in the old directory, you still need to fill out a new form if you want to be included in the new one! If you haven’t filled out a new form, and you want to be included in the directory, you can pick up a form at Church or email me, Deborah Rogers, at and I will send you the form. Just fill it out and return it to me. You can email it to me at the email address above or, if you are at church, you can drop it in the offering plate or hand it to me directly. Of course, you can also mail it to: Fletcher’s Chapel UMC, 8330 Fletcher’s Chapel Road, King George, VA 22485. We don’t want to leave anyone out who wants to be included!