Don’t forget these collections – they happen every month at Fletcher’s Chapel! Contribute as you are able.

The Loose Change Offering is collected on the Second Sunday of each month.  These gifts go to Heifer International whose mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth.  By giving families a hand-up, not just a hand-out, the Heifer Project empowers them to turn lives of hunger and poverty into self-reliance and hope. With gifts of livestock and training, Heifer Projects help families improve their nutrition and generate income in sustainable ways.

Canned Food Offering! The Canned Food Offering is collected through out each month and picked up once a month for delivery. This food is sent to the King George Social Services Food Bank. King George County residents who need assistance may receive a two- or three-day emergency supply of food once a month with proof of residency.