For those who may be wondering if the sermon for today will be posted, it won’t be here until probably Wednesday evening or sometime Thursday due to Christmas travels. Merry Christmas to all!
Sermon for Dec 18, 2022!
It’s almost here! Christmas is just around the corner! Next Sunday will be here before we know it, with all the hustle and bustle. Meantime, I am praying that everyone will put aside their petty differences and remember why we celebrate Christmas! Remember celebrating Christmas is celebrating our Lord’s birthday! It doesn’t matter who you are, or what you believe about politics or what else is going on here on Earth, what’s important is our Lord was born and that’s why it’s called Christmas! So, celebrate with family and friends but while you are eating and opening presents to and from each other, take time to remember with them why you are celebrating! Now here is the link to the sermon for today:
Reminders – Upcoming Deadlines and Events!
Good afternoon! It’s a wet and rainy day here in Passapatanzy, VA, but that seems like a good time to remind everyone of the upcoming happenings at Fletcher’s Chapel.
This Sunday, those of you who are bringing Poinsettias, please remember to bring them to Church with you, if you have not already brought them. We would like them to be there for the Christmas Program Sunday night at 5:00pm. Which brings us to the Christmas Program, which is this Sunday, Dec 18th, at 5:00pm. It will be a night with Carols and the Story of Christmas. Refreshments will follow in the Fellowship Hall.
Then we would like to invite you to join us on Dec 24th, Christmas Eve, for a Christmas Eve Service at 7:00pm for a service of lessons and carols, the celebration of Holy Communion, and candlelight.
Of course, the following Sunday is Dec 25th, Christmas Day! Please start you Christmas Day at Church celebrating the reason we have Christmas at all! After the Christmas Day worship service, please make sure you take your Poinsettias home with you!
We’d love to see you at any or all of our celebrations! So, stop in and join us soon!
Sermon for Dec 11, 2022!
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere you go!”, I believe is from a Christmas song written in 1951 by Meredith Willson. And especially at Fletcher’s Chapel! We have the Chrismon Tree up, we have the Advent Candle lighting happening each Sunday and by next Sunday we will have the poinsettias arranged up front in the church sanctuary both in memory and in honor of our loved ones! Christmas is by far my most favorite holiday! But with all the hustle and bustle, don’t forget why we celebrate Christmas! Without Jesus there would be no Christmas! So come join us as we Celebrate the birth of our Saviour! We have the schedule posted last week for you to browse. Here is the link to this week’s sermon:
Schedule of Upcoming Events!
Sermon for Dec 4, 2022!
Good afternoon! Welcome to December 2022! It’s a little cool today in Passapatanzy, VA, especially compared to yesterday but it is a beautiful day! The sun is shining, it’s not raining (or snowing) and best of all we woke up this morning to a new day! We have quite a lot happening at Fletcher’s in the next few weeks, so I am going to try to upload a schedule from the bulletin so you can see if you’re interested in anything. Now let’s click on the link below to hear this morning’s sermon:
Sermon for Nov 27, 2022!
We survived the rain yesterday morning and now we are awakening to a new day! Thank the Lord we are here to bring in the day! I hope you are all feeling healthy and happy for the ending of November and the start of December this week! Take care and share God’s love with everyone you meet! Remember: Jesus is the reason for the season! Celebrate His birthday month with love and concern as well gratitude for the life you have! Now here is the link to yesterday’s sermon:
Sermon for Nov 20, 2022!
Brr! Well, it was a cold weekend! However, we’re supposed to warm up again this week so Thanksgiving should be comfortable. That’s Virginia! But no matter the weather, we have a lot to be thankful for this year! We are here and though we make creek and crack when we move (at least some of us), we should be thankful that we are still here to be with family and friends. This Thanksgiving please remember all of those who have lost loved ones this year and especially those who will now be alone for Thanksgiving! Now to start your Thanksgiving week off right, here is the link to this week’s sermon from Pastor Barbara:
Sermon for Nov 13, 2022!
Hello and good morning! Count your blessings – you are awake and alive this morning! Yes, it’s a little cold but that’s expected as we get closer and closer to winter! And we may have more aches and pains due to the cold but be thankful we can still feel those aches and pains while being with family and friends! Even though the stores, the TV and the radio etc., are jumping straight from Halloween to Christmas, don’t forget to take time to celebrate Thanksgiving – time to be Thankful of all you have been blessed with and time to unwind and enjoy family and friends! If you know anyone who has no one to celebrate with this year, take time to include them in your celebration – you have no idea how much that can mean to someone! And now, here is the link to the sermon from yesterday by Pastor Barbara:
Reminders – Upcoming Deadlines!
NOVEMBER 27th Deadline – For those participating in the Apple Tree Project and/or the Inmate Christmas Gift items, please remember to have them at the church by Nov 27th!