June 4, 2023 – Trinity Sunday

Welcome to today’s service at Fletcher’s Chapel. The Trinity – the combination of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit is a mystery. We sing hymns and think deeply about this divine union in today’s service.

Sermon for May 14, 2023

Good morning! It’s promising to be a beautiful day here in Passapatanzy and hopefully wherever you are as well! Every day we should be thankful for waking up to a new day! Yes, we have aches and pains, but we also have the joys of life as well. I saw something on Facebook the other day that says a lot to me: “A negative mind will find fault in everything, and a positive mind will find opportunity in everything”. Makes you think, doesn’t it? Here is the link for yesterday’s sermon:

Re: Sermon for May 14, 2023 – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!

I want to wish you all a very HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! It’s a beautiful day so, if you can, go outside and enjoy it! This message is to wish you all a Happy and wonderful Mother’s Day but to also let you know due to it being Mother’s Day and everyone celebrating, the link to the sermon won’t be here until tomorrow. Take care and enjoy!

Sermon for May 7, 2023

Good morning! Sorry, this is a little late this week but it’s that time of year when schedules don’t always match up. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend! We are blessed with a new week so make the most of it. Don’t forget to keep in prayer those who may be sick, injured or who have lost family members. We would love to see all of you in church with us on Sunday, but we understand if you are unable to be there. We hope posting the sermon is a blessing to those who can’t attend. Here is the link for yesterday’s sermon:

Sermon for April 30, 2023

This is a little late getting posted as there were some technical difficulties yesterday. However, we’re back and coming to your computer now! I hope you all had a great weekend even though we had quite a bit of rain. We did need the rain, so we just have to do our best when it happens and know that it helps us so much later on. Take care and have a great week! Here is the link to yesterday’s sermon:

Native American Ministries Special Offering:

The video listed below is an “A report on the work of The Virginia Conference Native American Ministries Committee, and our vision for the future.” We have already had the Native American Ministries Special Funds Sunday (April 23, 2023) at church this year. However, to make an online donation: Native American Ministries Pastor and Leader Kit (resourceumc.org) or by mail: GCFA, P.O. Box 340029, Nashville, TN 37203 (mark NAM in memo field). This offering is done every year so even if you didn’t or can’t give this year, you can always plan to give next year!

Sermon for April 23, 2023

Good afternoon! And what a beautiful afternoon it is! Please take a moment to refresh your mind and body while enjoying the beautiful day. Remember Sunday is the day of rest! When we enjoy time off from the hassles of everyday life to relax and enjoy the time with our family and friends or even some time alone, it enables us to face the rest of the week with a renewed spirit. Here is the link to today’s sermon:

Sermon for April 16, 2023

Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you are enjoying the day with family and friends or even just relaxing. Sunday is supposed to be our day of rest, so relaxing is very important rather it’s alone, with your family, or with your friends! Our bodies need to rest and rewind to be able to make it through the week ahead. Even the Lord rested on the seventh day! Have a wonderful and blessed day! Here is the link to this week’s sermon: